What Is Thermography
Thermography is a completely non-invasive clinical imaging procedure for detecting and monitoring a number of diseases and physical injuries by showing thermal abnormalities present in the body. It is best used with other screenings modalities as well as regular self exams and physician exams for early detection.
Thermography measures the infrared radiation (heat) which emits from the surface of the body. Thermography assesses physiology (function), not anatomy (structure), the way traditional screening methods such as mammography, ultrasound, or MRI do. Thermography is radiation free and requires no compression or contact to the body
It is used as an aid for diagnosis and prognosis, as well as monitoring therapy progress for conditions and injuries including:
Back Injuries
Nerve Damage
Unexplained Pain
Dental and TMJ
Vascular Disease
Breast Disease
Inflammatory Pain
Referred Pain Syndrome
Sprains / Strains
Digestive Disorders
Fibrocystic Activity
and more!


Ultra Sound


Thermal Image
X-Ray, C.T., Ultrasound and M.R.I are all tests of 'anatomy' that measure the structures of your body whereas thermography is unique in its capability to show the physiological change and metabolic processes occurring in the body.
Although many people associate thermography as a breast screening tool, images can be taken of the entire body or just regions of interest. The digitized images are sent electronically to a Thermologist, a medical doctor certified in thermal interpretations, for analysis and report. Your report is sent directly to you and to any healthcare professionals requested within an average time of two business days.